What is Skinny Fat? — Skinny Fat Science

Dr. Skinny Fat
7 min readJul 26, 2024


Skinny fat is a very popular phrase that is widespread across the internet, especially on social media. At present, it is grossly misunderstood.

So, what is skinny fat, exactly?

Technically, skinny fat is normal weight obesity (NWO) and scientifically/medically Subsequently, defined (1) as having too much fat on your body even when within healthy/safe/normal Standard BMI (2), which is 18.5 to 24.99. In 2006, A De Lorenzo (3) is credited with the first (4) known use of the term normal weight obesity. Dr. Jimmy Bell (5) coined the acronym TOFI — “thin on the outside, fat on the inside” — which has come to commonly be known as skinny fat.

What Is Skinny Fat — The Six Types

According to the Standard BMI* definition, once you are within safe/normal Standard BMI you no longer have any excess white fat/yellow fat (regular fat) on your body and are not overweight (BMI 25 to 29.99) or obese (BMI 30+). Being skinny fat (NWO) directly contradicts the Standard BMI definition and is technically impossible.

How is it possible to be within safe Standard BMI and still have too much fat on your body?

Normal weight obesity (type #6) is possible because the excess fat the person is experiencing is not excess regular white/yellow fat, it is one or more of the other 5 types of skinny fat which include:

1) Cellulite (main type),
2) Thin Fat (main type),

3) Loose Skin (typically a result of excess regular white/yellow fat weight loss and making thin fat or cellulite worse),

4) Saggy Skin (typically a result of excess regular white/yellow fat weight loss and making thin fat or cellulite worse), and

5) Crepey Skin (can be made worse by excess regular white/yellow fat weight loss).

Skinny fat is different than regular obesity which is defined as having too much regular white/yellow fat (6) on your body, taking you outside safe BMI. Metabolically healthy obesity/MHO (7) is defined as having normal vitals and, all things considered, being healthy yet experiencing BMI obesity. Whereas thin fat, cellulite, loose skin, saggy skin, and crepey skin can exist at any BMI, while normal weight obesity can only exist within safe/normal BMI.

Is Skinny Fat Unique Tissue?

Standard Body Type One (BT1)

Muscle is unique tissue. Regular white/yellow fat is unique tissue.

Cellulite is unique fibrous tissue (8). More than 80%+ of women (9) globally have cellulite yet 0% have ever gotten rid of it. At this time, there is no FDA-approved way to get rid of cellulite or any other type of skinny fat. You can only reduce it.

Although the science of skinny fat is young and we are not sure what kind of tissue thin fat (10) is, we are certain that thin fat tissue is not muscle tissue or regular fat tissue. Can thin fat tissue turn into cellulite tissue or vice versa? We don’t know without more scientific research.

But we do know that you can technically lose 100% of your white/yellow/regular fat but your skinny fat will remain. Skinny fat tissue and regular fat tissue are not the same tissue, they are different. Visceral fat is only regular fat. Subcutaneous fat can be both. Skinny fat tissue — thin fat and cellulite — is unique tissue. Whether skinny fat is actually a kind of fat tissue or not is debatable and requires more scientific research.

Research Participant 1170

This 23-year-old research participant (11) has a safe Standard BMI of 24.6 (three left images) with obvious skinny fat including thin fat, cellulite, and normal weight obesity. The right three pictures are after further safe weight loss and reaching a safe Standard BMI of 21.3, yet the skinny fat remains.

According to mainstream science/medicine, once you are within safe Standard BMI you are the Standard Body Type One (BT1) found in any scientifically approved human body anatomy book/ resource (12). However, research participant 1170 is well within safe BMI while having indisputable skinny fat where they should genetically have default genetic muscle/mass. They are not a Standard BT1.

What Causes Skinny Fat?

The typical spiel on social media and online, in general — including most medical professionals — is that poor diet, exercise, and lifestyle cause loss of muscle tissue and that lost muscle tissue turns into skinny fat tissue. But it is an undisputed scientific/medical fact that this is not how human tissue works. Muscle tissue cannot become any kind of fat tissue, be it regular fat, brown fat, beige fat, or skinny fat. No amount of diet/protein, exercise, or lifestyle magically turns skinny fat into muscle or gets rid of, prevents, or avoids skinny fat, or the like. This is not how human tissue works.

Here is Christian Bale, genetically blessed with a Standard Body Type One, after extreme weight loss for a movie role including obvious lost muscle mass:

According to basically everyone everywhere, including medical professionals, Christain Bale should be experiencing skinny fat. But there is no sign of any type of skinny fat on his body, even when he is emaciated. The muscle definition is crystal clear, even with significant loss of muscle mass. Skinny fat is genetic and influenced by diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

Genetics and Body Composition

Genetics is the foundation of the human body and determines unique genetic body composition. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle directly influence body composition including skinny fat, but they do not determine body composition. At this time, you cannot naturally, permanently change your unique genetics. You can temporarily change/recomp your body composition with diet, exercise, and lifestyle, and with enough hard work for your entire life, you may even be able to maintain the changes.

The younger you are, the more motivated you are to recomp/change your body. Then life happens, and motivation wanes for most people and you eventually return to your original default genetic body composition, as is the current nature of human genetics. The younger you are, the harder it can be to discern skinny fat. Especially thin fat.

How To Get Rid Of/Fix Skinny Fat *It is important to note that the Standard BMI (Body Mass Index) is the current standard — its’ first known mention in the medical literature was in July 1972, it became the international standard in the mid-1980s, and in June 1998 the U.S.A National Institute of Health approved the current BMI as the standard (13) — but it is not particularly accurate. The Standard BMI fails to account for excess muscle/mass (genetic or added via exercise) or any type of skinny fat, and is best used as a guideline. The Body Type Science Theory research (14) is working on making the Standard BMI, Standard BMR (basal metabolic rate), and Standard Body Type One (BT1) more accurate. References

  1. NIH, National Library of Medicine: Normal-weight obesity syndrome: diagnosis, prevalence, and clinical implications, September 2016 (Epub Jul 29, 2016), Lana P Franco, Carla C Morais, Cristiane Cominetti. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27473199/
  2. NIH, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: Calculate Your Body Mass Index, https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm
  3. NIH, National Library of Medicine: Normal weight obese (NWO) women: an evaluation of a candidate new syndrome, December 2006 (A De Lorenzo, R Martinoli, L Di Renzo. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17126766/
  4. ScienceDirect: Normal Weight Obesity: An Underrecognized Problem in Individuals of South Asian Descent, August 2019, Nitin Kapoor MD (Medicine), DM (Endocrine), John Furler MBBS, PhD, Thomas V. Paul MD(Medicine), DNB (Endocrine), PhD, Nihal Thomas MD (Medicine), FRCP, PhD, Brian Oldenburg MPsychol, PhD. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0149291819302917
  5. Huffington Post: Why ‘Skinny Fat’ Can Be Worse Than Obesity, July 2015 (Updated July 30, 2016), Mark Hyman, MD. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-skinny-fat-can-be-wor_b_7904706
  6. Cleveland Clinic: Brown Fat, August 2022. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/24015-brown-fat
  7. Oxford Academic: Metabolically Healthy Obesity, March 2020 (Endocrine Reviews, Volume 41, Issue 3, June 2020), Matthias Blüher. https://academic.oup.com/edrv/article/41/3/bnaa004/5780090
  8. University of New Mexico: Cellulite: A Review of its Anatomy, Physiology and Treatment, 2009, Len Kravitz, Ph.D. and Nicole J. Achenbach, B.S. https://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/cellulite2.html
  9. Cleveland Clinic: Cellulite, October 2021. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17694-cellulite
  10. NIH, National Library of Medicine: Thin Fat Obesity: The Tropical Phenotype of Obesity, March 2021, Nitin Kapoor, MBBS, MD. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK568563/
  11. Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1170 — Body Type Three (BT3) Female (Woman), Generation Z, February 2022. https://www.fellowone.com/fellow-one-research/the-four-body-types/body-type-quiz/body-type-test-quiz-results-1170-body-type-three-bt3-female-woman-generation-z/
  12. Britannica: human muscle system, May 2024, Bernard Wood, Christopher Tangen. https://www.britannica.com/science/human-muscle-system
  13. Wikipedia: Body mass index, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_mass_index
  14. Fellow One Research: Body Type Science Research Data. https://www.fellowone.com/category/fellow-one-research/the-four-body-types/body-type-science/body-type-quiz/research-data/

Originally published at https://skinnyfat.fellowone.com on July 26, 2024.



Dr. Skinny Fat
Dr. Skinny Fat

Written by Dr. Skinny Fat


Scientific Researcher at Fellow One Research, Body Type Science/Skinny Fat Science

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