Insights from Gnosis: Muscle Loss & Muscle Gain Science — Muscles & Muscle Mass
Muscle loss and muscle gain science starts with genetics (DNA). It is a genetic fact that any part of the human body can be underdeveloped, to whatever degree, including muscles and muscle mass. If you are experiencing genetically underdeveloped default muscle/mass, you most likely have some type(s) of skinny fat (cellulite, thin fat, loose skin, saggy skin, crepey skin, normal weight obesity) where that default muscle/mass should be. If you have any type(s) of skinny fat on your body, then it is likely that you have had genetically underdeveloped muscle/mass since birth.
It is a fact that the human body will always burn fat and calories consumed first before it ever consumes a very valuable resource like default muscle/mass. Too many people on social media are pushing false ideas — total nonsense — that the human body just casually burns muscle/mass, especially when dieting. Wrong, it does not. If your body is to a point where it is burning default muscle/mass because of your diet, then you are inappropriately and unsafely starving your body which means you have a very poor diet that is super unhealthy.
Instead, eat high-quality (whole, preferably organic) food daily including protein, fats, and carbohydrates to maximize nutrition and minimize calories. Although, intermittent fasting (IF), when done appropriately and safely, can have beneficial health effects. Following a healthy exercise (cardio & resistance) routine and lifestyle (sleep, stress, career, etc.) are vital. Understanding your genes/genetic scientific body type, one of The Four Body Types, helps you figure out the best science-based diet, exercise, and lifestyle to be as healthy as possible in the short and long term.
Muscle Loss & Muscle Gain Science — Genetic Scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1) & Developed Muscles/Muscle Mass
The genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1) — found in any scientifically approved human body anatomy book and the only body type recognized, approved, and used by mainstream medical doctors to determine whether a human body is healthy, along with the inaccurate Body Mass Index (BMI) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) — genetically has fully developed muscle/mass. Muscle plays many vital roles in the functioning and health of the human body. Every vertebra houses a specific set of muscles, and if any of those muscles are underdeveloped it directly affects posture in a negative way. Muscle serves as armor while also being responsible for movement, strength, speed, agility, athleticism, and heat, no less.
Muscle loss and muscle gain science factually states that daily, muscle/mass burns six (6) calories per pound whereas fat/regular fat and skinny fat only burn two (2) to three (3) calories per day per pound. This directly, negatively affects metabolism, in that the more skinny fat and/or regular fat you have on your body, the slower your metabolism. A slow metabolism means your body burns fewer calories making you more prone to putting on excess fat weight.
Moreover, anywhere your body has genetically underdeveloped muscle/mass and in place of that muscle/mass is skinny fat, the tendency increases that you will put on excess fat (fat/regular fat) weight in those areas. Most people fail to realize that fat/regular fat and skinny fat are two different kinds of fat. At this time, science does not know why molecularly, but there are clear, indisputable differences between the two types of fat.
The Difference Between Fat/Regular Fat and Skinny Fat (6 Types) — Muscles & Muscle Mass Cellular Regeneration
The most obvious difference is that it is 100% possible to get rid of/lose fat/regular fat through natural body processes. In other words, through proper science-based diet, exercise, and lifestyle you can lose excess fat weight and keep it off in the short and long term. But, it is 0% possible to get rid of/lose any type of skinny fat. There is no FDA-approved way to get rid of cellulite or any other type of skinny fat; you can only reduce it at this time. As Body Type Science grows, it will be interesting to see what the scientific data reveals at the molecular level in terms of fat/regular fat versus skinny fat.
It is a fact that no amount of weightlifting will transform skinny fat into muscle. Any muscle/mass that you do add through weight training that is above and beyond your genetic default muscle/mass will gradually be lost once you stop lifting weights. For most people, you will begin to lose added muscle/mass within 2 weeks of stopping, eventually returning to your genetic default muscle/mass.
As well, people 40 years and older begin to experience a decline in the efficiency and effectiveness of their cellular regeneration. This means that because of your genetics, your cells do not replicate as efficiently and completely as they did when you were younger (less than 40 years old). This cellular regeneration inefficiency leads to a slight but gradual decline of body mass including muscle/mass as the years pass, which is aggregate over time.
The older you get, the more inefficient your cellular replication becomes, and muscles/mass is one of the most obvious declines. The loss of muscle/mass, for one, increases the appearance of aging including skin wrinkles and sagging, in general, while decreasing the strength and movement ability of the body, no less. Weight lifting will help combat this decline of muscle/mass, but routines must be adjusted properly relative to age.
Genetic Scientific Body Type (The Four Body Types) — Muscle Loss & Muscle Gain Science
Identifying your genetic scientific body type, one of The Four Body Types, will help you better understand your genetically developed muscle/mass (or lack thereof) relative to skinny fat and regular fat on your body. Are you a Standard Body Type One (BT1), Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)?
Human Vertebrae (26): 7 Cervical, 12 Thoracic, 5 Lumbar, 1 Sacrum, 1 Coccyx
- Body Type One (BT1) — 0 Vertebrae Underdeveloped Relative to Muscles/Muscle Mass and Skinny Fat (All 26 Vertebrae Developed)
- Body Type Two (BT2) — 1–8 Vertebrae Underdeveloped Relative to Muscles/Muscle Mass and Skinny Fat (Between 25 and 18 Vertebrae Developed)
- Body Type Three (BT3) — 9–17 Vertebrae Underdeveloped Relative to Muscles/Muscle Mass and Skinny Fat (Between 17 and 09 Vertebrae Developed)
- Body Type Four (BT4) — 18–26 Vertebrae Underdeveloped Relative to Muscles/Muscle Mass and Skinny Fat (Between 08 to 0 Vertebrae Developed)
The Fellow One Research Scientific Body Type Quiz determines your genetic scientific body type along with your scientifically reckoned metabolism including metabolic rate (BMR). As well, the Quiz scientifically calculates health scores in relation to the latest science-based diet, exercise, and lifestyle data. Learn more about Body Type Science research data.